时间:2019-05-04 23:10:16 作者:master
那么,如何用地道的英文描述一个人呢?下面圈哥给大家整理了人物类高频词汇表达。 1. 体型: 1) 瘦 – thin, slim, slender, skinny, underweight e.g. She is skinny. 她瘦骨如柴。 (negative) She is underweight. 她体重偏轻。(negative) She is very thin. 她很瘦。(negative) She is slim. 她很苗条。(positive) She is slender. 她很苗条。 (positive) 2) 肥 - fat, overweight, chubby, plump, stocky e.g. She is very fat. 她很胖。 (negative) She is overweight. 她偏重。 (negative) She is plump. 她很丰满。 (neutral) She is stocky. 她很敦实。 (neutral) a chubby child 胖乎乎的孩子 2. 体态: 健壮的 - strong, fit, muscular, athletic, vigorous, robust e.g. Athletes are extremely fit. 运动员体格非常好。 He's very muscular. 他肌肉发达。 She looks very athletic. 她看起來很健美。 a vigorous young man 一个朝气蓬勃的年轻人 a robust young man 身强力壮的年轻人 3. 性格特点: 1) 外向开朗 - extrovert, sociable, genial, outgoing, amiable e.g. He is quite an extrovert. 他很爱交际。 He has never really been the sociable type. 他从不好交际。 a genial person 和蔼可亲的人 She's very outgoing. 她很外向。 The driver was an amiable young man. 那个司机是个好脾气年轻人。 2). 内向型 - introvert, loner, distant e.g. She is quite an introvert. 他很内向。 Ken's always been a bit of a loner. 肯总有点不爱交际。 He is a bit cold, a bit distant. 他有点冷漠。 4. 品质 好奇心强,好发问 He is an inquisitive person. 有条理的 He is methodical in his work. 勤奋好学 His is industrious and eager to learn. 精力充沛、心直口快 He is an energetic and outspoken person. 有责任感,努力做到最好 He has a strong sense of responsibility and strives hard to do his best. 大方,不吝啬 He's really generous with both his time and his money. 意志坚定 He is strong-minded, never feels hopeless and has the courage to stand up to challenge. 好相处的 He's got a cheerful and easy-going disposition. He treats his friends with sincerity and teachers with respect. 热衷课外活动 He participates actively in school activities. He is well-liked by his fellow students for his enthusiasm in serving others. 自律、积极向上 He is a good-natured and well-disciplined person. He has a positive attitude towards life and always tries to better himself. 珠海翻译/宇扬翻译/珠海同声传译-口语救生圈